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제목 My Journey into IPA Congresses국제정신분석학회 학술대회(IPA Congress) 만유기(上)
저자 조두영
소속 서울대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실
년도/월 2000년 06월 권 / 호 11권 1호
페이지(시작~끝) 148 페이지 ~ 160 페이지 논문종류 참관기
전문 보기 0112000018.pdf
Art is a communication of a special mode which occurs between artists and art lovers by using a vision to see the form. The author reads through the developmental history of art psychoanalysis in Korea, and defines its origin as [Psychoanalytic Investigation of Joong Sup Lee, a Korean artist] which Suk Jin Yoo presented back in 1955. Secondly, the author introduces the theory of iconology interpreting the meaning of Western paintings at conscious level, and provided the interpretation of Rubens paintings as an example. In addition, the author summarized a new psychological interpretation of East-Asian paintings which have developed over past 20 years. Finally, the author explains the development of a discipline of applied psychoanalyses, i.e., art psychoanalysis, with detailed discussion on Freud's uncovering the psychology of Mona Lisa (Da Vinci)s mysterious smile and more recent analysis of some Picassos paintings by several psychoanalysts.

Copyrightⓒ2003 KPS

[03174] 서울특별시 종로구 내수동 72번지 경희궁의 아침 3단지 오피스텔 621호 한국정신분석학회 사무국